The Foreign Ministry lifts its restrictions
The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday lifted its travel restrictions on coastal cities and the Tunisian island of Djerba, a consequence of improved security conditions in the country.
"It's a feeling of great satisfaction. Our demands have been heard, "he told AFP Rene-Marc Chikli, president of Ceto. Tourism stakeholders and the air have increased recently with the initiatives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Tunisian authorities to reopen at least part of the destination.
The travel restriction of
French guests was extended Thursday
evening until 18 February,
without relief of the recommendations
of the Quai d'Orsay.
This measure will
"help prepare very quickly departures
to resort areas of
Monastir, Djerba or
Hammamet. We can
still save a
large part of the spring and relaxing part of the
summer, " said Chikli.
(From AFP)